EHMA Members, Prof. Dr. Henk Nies (Vilans) and Dr. Axel Kaehne (Edge Hill University) recently edited a book for managers on how to implement integrated care, soon to be published by Emerald Publishing.
This session, taking place on Wednesday, 18 November at 15.15 will take up some of the main themes contained in this book, asking co-authors to reflect on their research and experience to write for managers.
The session will deal with the values of care integration, the relationship between digital technology and integration, social aspects of integrating as well as how to finance integrated care. Speakers will also reflect on the difficulties of writing for managers, and how to make academic research relevant to a health management readership.
The speakers and book co-authors include Prof. Dr. Henk Nies, Director Strategy and Development at Vilans; Dr. Axel Kaehne, Reader at Edge Hill University; Dr. Eric van der Hijden, Researcher at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam & Senior Policy Advisor at Zilveren Kruis Health Insurance; Dr. Pim Valentijn, Senior Researcher at Maastricht University; Nick Zonneveld, Senior Researcher at Vilans; Dr. Carolyn Steele Gray, Scientist and Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto; and Karin Kee, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. A representative of Emerald Publishing will also attend the session and tell more about publication opportunities with them and EHMA.
Join the session and explore experiences of implementing integrated care in health services.