Discover our Plenary Session at EHMA 2020
How is the COVID-19 pandemic shaping the future of health management? European healthcare has been put to the test by the COVID-19 crisis as never before. Already strained health systems are experiencing even more pressure and new vulnerabilities are surfacing. National health systems, hospitals, Governments and the entire health workforce have worked tirelessly to deliver emergency responses in a forever changing environment, and with many uncertainties. Although the initial shock is passing, the barrage of health management challenges are only increasing.
What are the next phases to ensure accessible and quality healthcare for everyone? How can we move out of this emergency response into a more stable phase? And what will health management look like in the post-COVID scenarios? We will try to give answers to all these questions during the EHMA 2020 Plenary Session, taking place on Tuesday, 17 November 2020 at 13.00 – 14.20.
Joining us is an esteemed panel of speakers. We are honoured to have as Keynote Speaker Dr. Natasha Azzopardi-Muscat, Director of the Division of Country Health Policies and Systems at WHO Europe. Her keynote address will be followed by three different country perspectives. First, you will hear from Dr. Marjolein Tasche, Board member SFVG hospital and Board member Netherlands Hospital Union. The Finnish perspective will be presented by Dr. Liisa Maria Voipio-Pulkki, Director General of Strategic Affairs and Chief Medical Officer at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland. Finally, we will have Dr. Aleksandra Torbica, Director at Centre for Research on Health and Social Care Management (CERGAS), Italy, and Special Advisor to the Chair of the WHO Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development.

Join EHMA 2020, the preeminent European conference on health management, and join our community of practice, where you can debate and identify solutions for the most current topics in health management.