At the EHMA 2019 Conference the Good Governance Institute (GGI) launched a Special Interest Group on governance. This year, at EHMA 2020, GGI will be exploring good governance across Europe in more detail and continue the conversation on the changing landscape of healthcare.

On Thursday, 19 November at 12.00 the session will start with Professor Eileen Fairhurst, Chair of East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust, exploring what meaningful outcomes governance has brought to her organisation’s improvement journey. Eileen will then be joined by Dr. Usman Khan, Visiting Professor at KU Leuven and Senior Advisor at FIPRA, to discuss how governance differs across Europe. There will then be the opportunity for a Q&A with both presenters and Professor Andrew Corbett-Nolan, Chief Executive of GGI.

GGI will then explore the Special Interest Group again in more detail, discussing a plan of action for it beyond the conference to make a difference in governance across Europe. The session will allow participants to take away learning on the meaningful outcomes of good governance, and an understanding of practices across Europe that can be applied in different settings.

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